Playgrounds and sports grounds rules |

Playgrounds and sports grounds rules

A playground is a publicly accessible area intended for spending free time playing.

A sports field is a publicly accessible area intended for the implementation of sports activities.

The boundary of the children's playground and the sports field is formed by the outer perimeter of its fencing. If they are not fenced, their border is located at a distance of 5 meters from the individual playing elements.

The following is prohibited on the children's playground and sports field:

  • use them without the founder's consent for purposes other than those for which they are intended,
  • let children under 6 years of age move on them without the accompaniment of parents or persons over 18 years of age,
  • enter with animals,
  • enter and park with motor vehicles,
  • ride scooters, roller skates, skateboards and similar sports equipment,
  • smoking (including electronic cigarettes) and ingesting or otherwise applying narcotic and psychotropic substances,
  • handle open fire and sharp objects,
  • pollute the surfaces of playgrounds and sports fields and damage playing and other elements,
  • modify or relocate existing game and other elements without the founder's consent,
  • the game elements are not intended for use by adults!
  • by entering the playground and sports field, you agree to these operating rules.

Opening hours: April - October 8:00 - 21:00, November - March 8:00 - 18:00.

Users of the children's playground and sports field are obliged to follow the instructions of the operator or a person authorized by him.

Violation of this regulation will be punished according to generally binding legal regulations.

Entry to the children's playground and sports field is at your own risk. The operator is not responsible for injuries caused on the children's playground or sports field. It is necessary to observe the age limits established for the use of individual game elements.

In the event of damage to the playing elements or other deficiencies threatening safety on the field, call the operator +420 724 102 127.

Update: 8/6/2023 | The updated rules on this website always apply, regardless of the current information tables. The information boards are suitable QR codes that link to these websites and where the user has the opportunity to familiarize himself with the current versions. Wi-Fi connection is free in the restaurant.


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Vojkovice 169 | 277 44 Vojkovice

+420 724 102 127

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